1. Please go to and listen:
go her school's website: http://www.sola-afghanistan.org/.
Now suppose
you were invited to be a global social worker at her school and you are asked to
use your social work practice skills to help those girls who seem to be
struggling with learning or behavior there. Now imagine that your client is a
10 year old girl who is so extremely quiet and compliant that it is hard for her
to speak up in class and even to write about her own opinions. Please write
about how you would:
a) handle the problem that your girl client is from
a very different culture than your own
b) evaluate what problems might
be affecting the girl's learning and behavior (family, community, for instance)
and how you might help her and her family.
Remember to cite your
sources in terms of readings for our class about the impact of culture and
family life on children's behavior.
c) how does this example represent a
global issue in terms of women's equality, and how do the difficulties women
have in being educated contribute to the problem of global poverty?