
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Please post your power points for your presentations and your papers here for 2015 so your colleagues can enjoy them

To be inspired: See Malala's Father's talk!

Global Social Work 2015 Midterm Question #3

3) a) define structural violence using our readings and also an excellent summary of Farmer and Sen's views on this by Kathleen Ho:

b) give an example of structural violence in your country (supported by data)

c)  present your dream of what a globally-informed social worker could do about that example (remember to use the readings).

Global Social Work 2015 Midterm Question #2

2. Imagine you were air-lifted into a village with one of the problems Kristoff, Deif and others describe:
·      Sex trafficking of children (India, Southeast Asia)
·      Female genital mutilation in Africa
·      Honor killings and gang rape as punishment of women in Pakistan
·      Education of women illegal under the Taliban
·      Unequal legal rights for women under sharia law
·      Fistulas and other damage due to problematic pregnancies in Africa

What would be your approach as a global social worker?

2015 Global Social Work Midterm Question #1

1. Go to the following and watch it:

Mr. Mbubi’s talk illustrates a number of themes from this class. 
a) Use our readings about globalisation to interpret events he describes in Congo as a side-effect of tantalum mining to build new electronic technologies.

b) If you wanted to take up Mr. Mbubi’s invitation and organize a campaign to Apple, describe how you could use the Vieques example and/or others from our readings, and sketch out the central elements of such a campaign.